
        Welcome to the Zundapp Bella Enthusiasts Club (UK).

The Club:

The Club was set up in 1997, by Bill Dorling and Jeff Cleaveley. Since then, the Club has become well established, with a core of dedicated Bella owners.

We now have a steady membership mostly in the UK, but also in Belgium, Ireland, New Zealand and the USA.

We have close links with the German Bella IG and a small band of intrepid UK members attend their annual Treffen in Germany.


To promote the use, preservation and restoration of all models of the Zundapp Bella Scooter.

To promote interest in, and enthusiasm for Bella Scooters. 

To pool experience and information and put members in touch with each other.

To publish a magazine to showcase the activities and interests of the members.

Ethical code:

The Club is managed by a Committee, in an open and transparent manner, according to the wishes of the members.

 R 150 Nr 206 Serie 1 a


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